A unified low-code platform
for everything about
data as a service

Valued by Industry Leaders

Designed for big, fast and scalable
data operations with unmatched efficiencies

Automated Data

Gain efficiencies with advanced automation for complex data processing workflows and user alerts.

Reduced IT development

Low code App creator for data transformations, preparation, reconciliation and sequenced execution and more.

Data Consumers as

On-board consumers to review and generate reports or deliver data to target systems. Analytics and search as added outcomes.

AI-Enabled + Automated Data Operations = Exceptional Performance

Precision Outcomes

  • 1 or many I/Ps for 1 or many outcomes
  • Printable reports or machine-readable data files
  • Synchronized I/P and O/P
  • Any output data format & support to any integrations - API, sftp etc

High Performance Transformation

  • Transactional data processing & Batch data processing
  • Transformation recreation with versioning
  • Merge or Sequenced transformations
  • Distributed data transformations and Scaling

Efficient Processing

  • Advanced process automation with configurable workflow, process decisioning rules, and option to apply RPA
  • Rules automation to ensure data quality and advanced computations
  • Alerts and Notification driven user attention to make corrections on the fly with dynamic metadata driven UI

Transforming Data Preparation

Smart data transformations for
real-time or batch data

  • Intutive Self-service: Publish your own payloads. ELT for inbound and ETL for outbound transformations.
  • Data Pipelines: End to End pipelines with sequenced transformations
  • Intelligent Transformation Engine: Distributed computing with dynamic queuing based on data size.
  • Always available and scalable: Delivers to peak demands with autoscaling

Process data coming from multiple sources to deliver accuracy.

  • Rules Automation: Create and apply validation, tolerance, derivation and computation rules.
  • Enrichment: Improve data integrity, accuracy and reliability of the data using third party data sources.
  • Alerts and Notifications: Minimize user intervention with advanced data process automation.
  • Dynamic UI: Process errors using an intuitive excel like user interface. No need to repair and reprocess.
  • Sequenced Processing: Orchestrate sequenced execution of transformation and preparation of data from multiple sources.

Run multiple reconciliation use-cases at 30% cost and 80% efficiency.

  • Highest Match %: Increased matches with Direct Matches, Tolerance Matches, Fuzzy Matches and Algorithmic Matches.
  • Automated Clearance: AI enabled automated matching with relevant commentary for audit trail.
  • Manual Clearance: Intuitive clearance for user to accept or reject probable matches and perform manual matches.
  • Easy create and update: Automated or manual variance commentary to enable adjustment entries and closure process.
  • Easy Create and Customize: Publish custom reconciliation and clearance criteria in matter of a day.

Unique reporting by time with metadata and rule versioning.

  • Automated Rules: Stay up to date with low code scripting for fast create and update of derivation and computation rules.
  • API based validations: Perform inline validations using external systems or 3rd party APIs.
  • AI enabled Adjustments: Automated variance commentary and adjustments with AI.
  • Accurate Reporting and Closures: Configurable tolerances and workflow. Comprehensive data lineage.
  • Electronic lodging: Seamlessly integrated with regulator, business partner and enterprise systems for data exchange.

The elephant in the tax, finance and regulatory data.

  • Search: Easily search from standardized and qualified data across business entities based on permissions.
  • Preconfigured search as Analytics: Organize search results into intuitive and meaningful dashboard widgets.
  • Business health scorecards: Generate leaderships dashboards and scores from qualified data for regulators.
  • Compliance health across global entities: Monitor compliance health across global operations, branches, franchises and more.
  • Predictive Alerts: Configure and obtain alerts to stay ahead.

Comprehensive data platform for
accurate outcomes


With Taxilla, each use case
is an App

  • Each individual data processing requirement can be automated on Taxilla; be it financial reporting, regulatory reporting or any data operations
  • Supports disparate data source systems & disparate data formats
  • Streamlines data preparation and processing
  • Eliminate data siloes with multiple data processing Apps on one unified platform
  • Rule based qualification & processing for multiple outcomes at scale
  • Reduced cycle time from envisaging to realization with up to 10x efficiency

Data exchange and prepare to
Close and Report As Apps

Transact Apps

Facilitate real-time data conformity across systems and partners, with secure document e-delivery and flexible payloads. Stay compliant with multi-format B2B exchanges.

  • Intelligent Middleware
  • Publish your end-points
  • Custom Payloads
  • Compliant documents
  • Collaborative actions

Prepare Apps

Standardize enterprise data with metadata catalogs, consolidate internal data with third-party sources, and maintain granular governance with detailed data lineage. Create intra-company entities, invite partners, and collaborate through shared ledgers for business networking.

  • Data Catalogues
  • Data Consolidation
  • Data Governance
  • Shared Ledgers
  • Inter or Intra Org Networks

Closure Apps

Achieve timely finalization with well-qualified datasets for improved decision-making. Automate variance commentary, codify internal policies to assess deviations and conduct forecast-to-performance analysis. Enable flexible closures and generate custom dashboards and analytics.

  • Variance and Adjustments
  • Audit Assurance
  • Forecast Analysis
  • Configurable periodicity
  • Leadership Dashboards

Analye Apps

Ensure reporting accuracy and compliance with metadata versioning and automated rules for report generation. Keep up with the latest reporting formats, maintain a thorough audit trail, and integrate with downstream systems for electronic data submission in any format.

  • Meta Data Governance
  • Reporting rules and computations
  • Reporting formats
  • Audit-trail

Report Apps

Facilitate real-time data conformity across systems and partners, with secure document e-delivery and flexible payloads.Stay compliant with multi-format B2B exchanges.

  • Intelligent Middleware
  • Publish your end-points
  • Custom Payloads

Leveraging AI

Low Code Creator to Smart Creator

  • Automatic data mapping suggestions
  • Smart reader for unstructured data Smart expression writer
  • Auto-select functions from library
  • Auto-Create reconciliation criteria
  • Intelligent sequencing of matching criteria

Automated workflows

  • Tolerances
  • Process decisioning rules
  • Exception alert for user attention
  • Auto-suggestion enabled by machine learning

Commentary and Notes

  • Intelligent variance commentary
  • Automatic adjustment notes generation
  • Deviation analysis and generative commentary
  • Automated audit assurance prompting

Add Natural Language Processing

  • Interprets data and transforms it into intelligent narratives in place of manual Microsoft Excel® reports
  • Unprecedented speed and scale compared to manual analysis
  • Transforms data into an actionable, powerful asset that is leveraged in decision-making and customer interaction





Exceptional Results

Going beyond ETL - its ELT
  • Load raw files and transform thus reducing the work before loading data
  • In-built comprehensive transformation engine
  • No maintenance overhead
  • Auto versioned transformations to reduce impact of change in source files
Offers greater efficiency in Data Qualification process
  • Simple definition of transformation
  • Qualification is closer to transformation - not something running elsewhere
  • Highly concurrent reactive qualification engine
Available, scalable, partition tolerant and high performance
  • No single point of failure
  • High scalability because of uniform data partitioning
  • Bloom filter backed key caching which locates the data in 2 to 3 operations for any data size
AI for creation of utilities, processing commentary and analysis narratives
  • Co-Pilot creation of utilities
  • Generative AI for variance commentary and reporting notes
  • Advanced analysis and reporting narration

Platform-as-a Service

The firm may avail Taxilla Platform-as-a-Service
